Legal Information



Under Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, this article specifies the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring. .

The website is published by:

Chermbick, whose head office is located at 18 Avenue de Villespassans, 34360 St Chinian, and registered at RCS 82974572800016.

Telephone: 04 67 24 51 44 / E-mail address:

The publishing director of the site is:

Mrs. Helen Bicker.

The website is hosted by:

HostGator, headquartered 5005 Mitchelldale Suite # 100 Houston, TX 77092 USA

Phone number: 001-713-574-5287


The website aims to:

Online sales of paint and related items


For any question or request for information concerning the site, or any report of illegal content or activities, the user may contact the publisher at the following e-mail address: or send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to: Chermbick, 18 Avenue de Villespassans, 34360 St Chinian


Access to and use of the site are subject to acceptance and compliance with these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

The publisher reserves the right to modify, at any time and without notice, the site and services as well as these T&Cs, in particular to adapt to changes to the site by providing new functionalities or deleting or modification of existing functionalities.

It is therefore advisable for the user to refer before any navigation to the latest version of the T&Cs, accessible at any time on the site. In case of disagreement with the T&Cs, no use of the site can be made by the user.


The publisher implements the technical solutions at its disposal to allow access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It may nevertheless at any time suspend, limit or interrupt access to the site or to certain pages of this one in order to carry out updates, modifications of its content or any other action deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the site.

Connecting to and browsing the site constitutes unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use, regardless of the technical means of access and the terminals used.

These T&Cs apply, as necessary, to any variation or extension of the site on existing or future social and/or community networks.


For the proper management of the site, the publisher may at any time:

  • suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the site, reserve access to the site, or to certain parts of the site, to a specific category of Internet user;
  • delete any information that could disrupt its operation or contravene national or international laws, or the rules of Netiquette;
  • suspend the site in order to carry out updates.



Access to certain services, and in particular to all paid services, is subject to the user’s registration.

Registration and access to the site’s services are reserved exclusively for individuals who are legally capable, having completed and validated the registration form available online on the site, as well as these General Terms and Conditions of Use. .

When registering, the user undertakes to provide accurate, sincere and up-to-date information on his person and his marital status. The user must also regularly check the data concerning him in order to maintain its accuracy.

The user must therefore imperatively provide a valid e-mail address, on which the site will send him a confirmation of his registration for his services. An e-mail address cannot be used more than once to register for the services.

Any communication made by and its partners is therefore deemed to have been received and read by the user. The latter therefore undertakes to regularly consult the messages received on this e-mail address and to respond within a reasonable time if necessary.

Only one registration for the services of the site is allowed per natural person.

The user is assigned an identifier allowing him to access a space whose access is reserved for him (hereinafter “Personal Space”), in addition to entering his password.

The username and password can be modified online by the user in his personal space. The password is personal and confidential

The user will be given a login enabling him/her to access a space reserved for him/her (hereinafter “Personal Space”), in addition to entering his/her password.

The user ID and password can be changed online by the user in his or her Personal Space. The password is personal and confidential, the user agrees not to communicate it to third parties. reserves in any case the possibility of refusing a request for inscription to the services in the event of non-observance by the User of the provisions of the present General Conditions of Use.


The regularly registered user may at any time request to unsubscribe by going to the dedicated page in his personal space. Any unsubscription from the site will be effective after the user has filled in the form provided for this purpose, within the following period: 48 hours.


The editor is only responsible for the content that he himself has published.

The editor is not responsible :

  • in the event of problems or technical failures, data-processing or compatibility of the site with a hardware or software whatever it is;
  • direct or indirect, material or immaterial, foreseeable or unforeseeable damage resulting from the use or the difficulties of use of the site or its services;
  • the intrinsic characteristics of the Internet, in particular those relating to the lack of reliability and the lack of security of the information circulating on it;
  • illicit contents or activities using its site, without having duly taken note of them in the sense of the Law n° 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for the confidence in the digital economy and the Law n°2004-801 of August 6, 2004 relating to the protection of the physical persons with regard to treatment of data in personal matter.

Moreover, the site cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided.

The user is responsible :

  • the protection of his equipment and data ;
  • for the use he makes of the site or its services;
  • if he does not respect the letter or the spirit of the present GTU.


The site can contain hypertext links pointing towards other Internet sites on which does not exert control. In spite of the preliminary and regular checks carried out by the editor, the latter declines any responsibility as for the contents which it is possible to find on these sites.

The editor authorizes the setting up of hypertext links to any page or document of his site provided that the setting up of these links is not carried out for commercial or advertising purposes.

In addition, the prior information of the publisher of the site is necessary before any hypertext link is set up.

Are excluded from this authorization the sites diffusing information with illicit, violent, polemic, pornographic, xenophobe character or being able to attack the sensitivity of the greatest number.

Finally, reserves the right to remove at any time a hypertext link pointing to its site, if the site considers it not in conformity with its editorial policy.


The site is exempted from declaration to the National Commission for Data Processing and Liberties (CNIL) insofar as it does not collect any data concerning users.


The site may use “cookies” techniques to process statistics and information on traffic, to facilitate navigation and to improve the service for the comfort of the user, who may oppose the recording of these “cookies” by configuring his navigation software.


The structuring of the site but also the texts, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, videos and computer applications which compose it are the property of the editor and are protected as such by the laws in force under the intellectual property.

Any representation, reproduction, adaptation or partial or total exploitation of the contents, trademarks and services offered by the site, by any process whatsoever, without the prior, express and written authorization of the publisher, is strictly prohibited and would be likely to constitute an infringement within the meaning of articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. And this, with the exception of the elements expressly designated as free of rights on the site.

Access to the site does not constitute recognition of a right and, in general, does not confer any intellectual property right relating to an element of the site, which remain the exclusive property of the editor.

The user is prohibited from introducing data to the site that would modify or be likely to modify its content or appearance.


The present General Conditions of Use are governed by French law. In the event of a dispute and in the absence of an amicable agreement, the dispute will be brought before the French courts in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction in force.

The site wishes you an excellent navigation!



The site is published by the seller, Frenchic France, whose head office is located at the following address: 18 Avenue de Villespassans, 34360 St Chinian, and registered at RCS82974572800016.

The seller is not subject to VAT under Article 293 B of the CGI.

The following provisions are intended to define the general conditions of sale on the site

The present general terms and conditions of sale (hereafter “GTC”) define the contractual rights and obligations of the seller and its customer within the framework of a remote and electronic sale of goods and products.

The GTC shall exclusively govern the relationship between the seller and the customer.

The GTC express the entirety of the obligations of the parties. The customer is deemed to accept them without reservation, failing which his order will not be validated.

In case of doubt about any of the terms and conditions of sale, the practices in force in the sector of distance selling by companies whose registered office is in France and the Consumer Code shall apply.

The seller reserves the right to modify the GTC from time to time. The modifications will be applicable as of their setting on line.


Through the site, the seller provides the customer with a catalog or an online store accurately presenting the products sold, without the photographs having a contractual value.

The products are described and presented with the greatest possible accuracy. However, in the event of errors or omissions in the presentation, the responsibility of the salesman could not be committed of this fact.

The products are offered within the limits of available stocks.

The prices and taxes related to the sale of products are specified in the catalog or the online store.


The seller reserves the right to modify its prices at any time by publishing them online.

Only the prices in force at the time of the order will apply, subject to availability of the products at this date.

The prices are indicated in euros (excluding taxes and all taxes included) and do not take into account the delivery costs, which are invoiced in supplement. The delivery costs are indicated before the validation of the order by the customer.

The prices take into account the taxes applicable on the day of the order and any change in the rate of these taxes will be automatically reflected in the price of the products in the catalog or the online store. If one or more taxes or contributions, including environmental, were to be created or modified, up or down, this change may be reflected in the selling price of products.

The total amount of the order (including all taxes) and delivery charges is indicated before final validation of the order form.

The payment of the totality of the price must be realized at the time of the order.


The customer has the possibility to fill in an order form online, by means of an electronic form. By filling in the electronic form, the customer accepts the price and the description of the products.

The customer must accept the present general terms and conditions of sale by clicking on the indicated area in order for the order to be validated.

The customer must provide a valid e-mail address and delivery address and acknowledges by these general conditions of sale that any exchange with the seller may take place through this address.

The customer must also choose the delivery method and validate the payment method.

The seller reserves the right to block the customer’s order in the event of non-payment, incorrect address or any other problem on the customer’s account until the problem is resolved.


This is an order with a payment obligation, which means that the placing of the order implies payment by the customer.


The customer makes the payment at the time of the final validation of the order by specifying his/her credit card number.

The customer guarantees the seller that he/she has the necessary authorisations to use this method of payment and acknowledges that the information given to this effect is proof of his/her consent to the sale as well as the payability of the sums due for the order.

In the event of dispute or fraudulent use of the bank card without physical use of the bank card (use of the bank card number), any person may dispute within 70 days from the date of the transaction by sending a complaint in the following manner, so that the seller will bear the costs of the sale and return the disputed sum:

by e-mail to the Customer Service Department at the following address
